Since 1st July 2014, CE Marking of fabricated structural steelwork has become a mandatory requirement in accordance with BS EN 1090. Non-compliance is clearly catered for within the Regulations, with fines up to €500,000 and/or imprisonment.
Engineering Systems and Projects Ltd are fully accredited to manufacture structural steel components up to and including execution class 2 according to BS EN 1090. This has been achieved through development of a rigorous factory production control system which is certified annually by a notified body.
Having designed, manufactured and installed many steel structures for blue chip companies within the Food, Beverage, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical industries, ESP has the expertise to offer a wide range of standard and bespoke fully CE certified structural steel-work solutions compliant with BS EN 1090, such as:
• Access Platforms
• Mezzanine Floors
• High Level Access Platforms
• Tank Farm Access Ladders & Catwalks
• Pipe Bridges
• Walkways
• Access Stairs
We can also provide other classes of non-structural steelwork that may be covered under other standards such as the machinery directive. If we can help you comply with these mandatory industry standards, please do not hesitate to contact us with any requirements.